DogWebs Premium
All the features of the free DogWebs site plus:

Why try DogWebs Premium ?
With DogWebs Premium you get what you want with your website, changes can be made at anytime with no extra expense, there are no add on's everything you need is included in the one low price of just $109US per year. no monthly fees.

And when you need help you get it!

Your very own web site. 
Includes a Domain name of your choice.
Free 30 day trial, No Obligation.

This is a complete package $109US per year includes everything, no more to pay!

You can view some DogWebs Premium sites here.

All this, and pages can be updated at any time using the simple edit pages that come with your site. There is no need to add all the information in from your DogWebs free site , it will automatically appear in your Premium site.
In your edit pages you add new pages at the click of a button.
Unlike other webpage builders, DogWebs makes the site to your specifications, all you need to do is add the content (text and images), the edit pages are designed to be a easy as possible to use.

All this try free, for 30 days, then *$109US is payable for the upkeep of your site.
*Yearly charges apply. Domain names and email will not be set up until payment has been received.

Need a Business or Club website check out www.DogWebs.Biz also just $109US.

$109US per year includes everything you will need, and does not need to be paid until your 30 Day free trial is finished and you wish to keep your Premium website.

Please use the form below to order your 30 day trial.

If there is anything else you would like to know, please use the form below to get your questions answered.

If for any reason the form below does not work for you, please contact DogWebs here:

Try DogWebs Premium

Fill in the form below for your Free no obligation 30 Day Trial.


Email: (Please double check, if it is incorrect we cannot contact you.)


Referred: (Did someone refer you to DogWebs?)

Message: You can post any questions you may have in the box below.