Adding a Guestbook (Back to Help Page) (Print Page)

DogWebs recommends using Smart Guestbook, a free Guestbook service.

Although smartgb uses embedded ads to pay for its service, we recommended it as it does not let any spam be entered into your guestbook, a common problem with other guestbook's that are available.

You can sign up for the free service here:

Once you have signed up for your free guestbook, activate you guestbook using the link they send you, then send the address to your Guest book here and I will add the Guestbook to your site.

Adding a form to your site

You can add a contact form or puppy application form to your site using a form maker such as JotForm or Emailmeform.

You can sign up for a free account at you can use the contact form they have ready or make a custom form.

When you have signed up and are logged into jotform click on the template link at the top, select a contact form, you can then customise it as needed, when you are happy with the form click on the embed button at the top, then click on the iFrame button, select and copy the iFrame code and send to along with your website name, and we will add it to your site.

Once the form has been added to your site do a test submission to make sure it posts to you ok.

A lot of breeders are now adding Puppy Applications to their sites, you can use the import function in Jotform to copy an existing web form and then edit to your own needs, or you can make your own puppy application.

As well as emailing your submitted forms, your Jotform account will hold your submitted forms, you can go back and check them at anytime.

Another very easy free form builder can be found here:

You can find details on adding code to a page here:

Adding Code to a page

If you need help getting it on your site please contact


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